Teens and their families (homeschooled and otherwise): where are you?
(Also, don't forget: Spanish at the library tomorrow!)
If we can get enough interest among HS age homeschoolers, we can take advantage of a number of programs that offer college credit to teens. It could be a great new resource for college credit for teens with other teens in excellent classes with government support (like everyone else) -- available to homeschoolers and everyone else.
(Also, don't forget: Spanish at the library tomorrow!)
If we can get enough interest among HS age homeschoolers, we can take advantage of a number of programs that offer college credit to teens. It could be a great new resource for college credit for teens with other teens in excellent classes with government support (like everyone else) -- available to homeschoolers and everyone else.
Members of The Home Education Resource Center, in conjunction with HATCH of Hudson, recently met with Columbia-Greene Community College. It turns out, there are many ways for teen homeschoolers to get college credit.